Sunday, August 13, 2006

wanted: engineers

Received the following message from a Douloid:

We have an urgent Prayer Request for the Doulos and the Ship Ministry in General. We are in urgent need of Engineers. If we don’t get engineers by the end of Sept, the Doulos won’t be able to leave Thailand. So please pray with us that God will provide qualified people. And if you know of people that might be able to help us, ask them to contact the nearest OM office.

Thought I would put this here, just in case some engineers wonders upon my blog. I recommend Doulos! You can always contact me for more information.


Luke said...

good call, annegreet. I hope you don't mind me taking your message and putting it on my blog as well? I've been getting more and more concerned about the need for engineers on the ships, so I've asked various people if they know any engineers at our church.. etc.. and so far nothing. I think putting a signal out through my blog is a great next step!! Thanks for the idea. (c:

Anonymous said...

will they ever need psychologists? ;)

Anonymous said...

I think it is save to say there is a need for a psychologist. But you beter be very good!

annegreet said...

Maybe you should marry an engineer, Sarah? ;)
Anonymous, I'm sure you know what you're talking about, but don't scare people, ok? ;)

Anonymous said...

I know a just graduated engineer who hasn't yet work... I'll give him the message.

annegreet said...

Just to let you know, Doulos will be able to leave Thailand, because there is an engineer again. That's for now though...Maxplanck, you can still pass on the message. They are always thinking about where to find engineers!