Wednesday, June 03, 2015

today i will...

the better world: today i will...
Comment heard in a real-time, real-life conversation recently: "No, I don't watch the news anymore, it makes me nervous."

Today I will introduce you to the new link on my blogroll. A link for all those who feel nervous reading the newspaper and an encouraging link for those who dare to watch the news. "The Better World" is Renske's inspirational blog about baby-steps taken to improve the world around her, because "we make or break this world by our choices".

I love this! I sometimes feel the need of pointing out horrifying, hidden disasters or world issues on this blog. There are so many suffering people who really don't have much of a voice and this is a place where I choose to stand with them. Still, my favorite thing is looking for the tiniest starting point for each of us to be making this world a more beautiful place. 

Renske makes that very practical with her "today I will..." items. Making a difference starts today. Everyday.

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