You can’t assume to know what goes on in people’s minds or what they feel. The more people I get to know, the more I know that you don’t know much about people you know. There’s ocean’s of emotions and ponderings and views and feelings and memories. With some people you can talk for hours or even days and not even dip into that sea.
And so human beings tend to swim in self-pity instead, assuming no one has gone through what they’re going through right now. When someone says, “I know how you feel”, we are sure that they don’t. Who knows, maybe they do. It just might be that they’ve been through something similar while you don’t realise it.
About three years ago, I met Abdul in West Africa. He was from Sierra Leone and he had no hands, no family, no home. All lost because of the war there I guess. He never told me what happened exactly. He just smiled…a lot! What did he have to smile about? Somehow he managed to have joy and swim in it!
that's a nice story!
We are just big complainers in the West! Be happy ;)
annegreet, very interessting post, yet it is something we all know. i especially liked your choice of words in the following sentence: "He just smiled…a lot! What did he have to smile about? Somehow he managed to have joy and swim in it!"
Yep, I tend to write about things we all know and forget all the time...
Thanks for your comment, paradigma, I'm curious as to how wondered onto my blog. (c:
The question questions,
And the dreamer dreams,
And so the wonderer will wonder,
it is what they tend to do.
Breeze to hhth to here... Good guess?
ezechiël 28:3 ?
yes, that could have been a gateway
although that is not how the wonderer wondered here
So you ask if I'm as arrogant as the ruler of Tyre?
Je Engels is goed trouwens, maar je schrijft met een licht Vlaams wel grappig.
Fun to have intriguing people comment here.
Breeze to sarahm to here then?
hmm i don't know what your bible says in ezekiel 28:3 but mine says the following: "For sure, you are wiser the Daniel, no secret is hidden for you"
(and don't even try to be a smartass about the words 'for sure' not being a very good translation (o: )
Add a questionmark to ezekiel 28:3 and then something special happens: a slightly sarcastic question can be read between the lines.
do i think you're arrogant=> not yet
breeze to sarah indeed :)
I read your sarcasm the first time, but did u read the verse in its context? As I've said before...I'm aware that I'm often unwise. I'm not proud of that.
the first time i referred to ezekiel i did not write it from the assumption that you are an advanced biblereader, so i only quoted the verse and not the verse placed in it's context.
but let's not discuss this any further before this whole thing gets lame ^_^
anyway, 'the boy swimming elsewhere' is a cathcy title since he has no hands. but still, i know what you mean by it and you're right; we should all learn that sometimes, ... we can swim elsewhere ;)
Hush me then? ;)
You are right!
Hush you? nah, this is your little part of the web, and it's inappropiate for a guest to hush the host/hostess
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